Should a dog be leashed? This is a big topic in Baltimore right now ... or rather, I guess the big topic is the new $1,000 leash fine. I hesitate to voice my opinion because most of the time I have a strong opinion and I don't want to offend anyone.
I love dogs. I really love my grand-dog Chai, and because I love them ... yes, they belong on a leash. Now, do not misunderstand me. I don't mean all the time. I don't think dogs should be tied outside; although I know I was guilty of that in my past life. (We all make mistakes.) I do think dogs ... especially big dogs like Chai, need to be left loose to play and to exercise. I think there should definitely be dog parks, and I think that in contained areas, there is NO reason why a dog cannot be off of it's leash, as long as no harm will come to the dog, or anyone within range of the dog.
Now, there are exceptions to every rule. Once when Chai's Daddy was young, he took our little poodle on a bike ride/walk. A bigger dog (untrained, obviously) was in his own fenced yard and jumped the fence and attacked our little poodle. If it weren't for a kind neighbor, who knows what could have happened. For a good long time, Christopher was afraid of big dogs. They had to earn back his trust. Also, I have a veterinarian friend who told me that many times when someone brings in a mangled dog hit by a car or caught in something, they always tell him that they just left them off the leash this "one" time. One time was all it took.
As dedicated pet owners, we are responsible for the safety of our animals. I have cats. I do not let them outside because of the dangers posed there. If we take on ownership responsibility, then it is our duty to make them as safe as possible. Dogs are animals. No matter how much training and love they have, they are still animals. Animals have instincts and it only takes one stray cat, one squirrel, or one heartbeat for them to run out into the road and get hit.
As far as the leash law, yes there has to be laws to protect everyone and every living thing. I don't think there needs to be such costly fines; but on the other hand, a alternative should be available. Baltimore people shouldn't be fined if there are not adequate dog parks available for them. Once there is a dog park within walking distance of everyone, then they could impose a fine (but certainly not such a steep one). For someone to say people with big dogs should reconsider city living is just plain stupid. How about people with kids and no play yards consider only the country. Anyone has the option to live anywhere and adapt to the place they have chosen. It is certainly a free country. Laws aren't made for people with just "little" dogs. Besides, those little ankle-bitting yappers are the worst anyway. People think because they can pick them up or put them in pocketbooks, they are exempt from most rules. WRONG.
I guess my opinion is this ... on city streets, leash your animal for their protection. They may not like it, but who says we get to do what we like all the time. Even animals have rules. Take the time to take your pet to a safe area where he or she can run and play (and swim). Rally for the cities to build responsible dog parks where owners can feel safe. When you are in a dog park, obey the rules; clean up after your pet and respect others.
I hope I didn't offend anyone. It is after all, only my opinion and lately I've found that probably isn't worth ten cents anyway.
Love you, Chai!!!!! Sloppy kisses from Gammie.