Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good Bye Steve

I would like to say that an era ended in Harrisburg yesterday on Election Day. Mayor Steven Reed was defeated. Now, I suppose some would say it is time for new blood and time for old Steve to "move on".

Over the past few years, he was criticized for trying to make more cultural places in Harrisburg., which of course would cost a lot of money. It was the story of the good child that does a few bad things and the only things that are noticed are the bad ones. All the good he did over his years of service seemed to be put into the back bin.

Steve Reed has been Mayor of Harrisburg since 1981. I moved here in 1991. I have seen so much improvement since I moved here within this city. I hear longer residents tell stories of what it was like before Steve "cleaned up the city", and I can't imagine.

No politician is perfect. As a matter of fact, the person who defeated Steve is tagged as being very negative. She will have VERY BIG shoes to fill and apparently she thinks she is up to it. All I have to say is that it is a sad day for Harrisburg.

I Love Being Near the Ocean

Well, I haven't written for awhile. I didn't know what to write about and since Tom's suggestion was to use my "own" pictures, I went through my photo's and randomly picked one. This is me at the beach in Florida.

I love being near the beach. I've been going to the ocean since I can remember. Summers as a child my family and I spent weeks at Atlantic City. Boy, that was the place to be back then with the Steele Pier, Diving Horse, BEAUTIFUL boardwalk and beachs, salt-water taffy, etc. My brother always stayed out late at night playing all the chance games on the Million Dollar Pier and I would wake up each morning with a different stuffed animal in bed with me. We always stayed in a big hotel that had lockers and showers in the basement because you were not allowed to come into the main hotel in your swim clothes and sand in your pants. Air conditioning was not even thought of and the doors to your room were the louver kind with open tops and bottoms. No one even thought someone would try to come in at night (even though it was, after all, New Jersey). Anyway, I learned to love the beach...the smell, the sounds, the food, everything.

Of course, today Atlantic City has been taken over by the casinos and it is an ugly place, There are outlet stores, big hotels, and the beach is dirty and construction makes everything ugly. If you are lucky enough to remember it like I can, you know there will never be another.

Now I cannot swim, nor do I want to. I used to love playing around in the sand and jumping waves. Since two knee replacements, I am frightened of the tide water pulling me down so I don't go into the water but I love sitting on the beach. My daughter and I are going to Cape Cod next month and I'm hoping to spend some time just watching the water and sand.

My ideal vacation spot would not be the woods, historic sight seeing, Paris, or any of the other thing people go for. I would be happy just sitting near the beach.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Our Options Have Changed ...

I work on the telephone all day. My job involves calling health insurance companies such as Blue Cross, Gateway, Cigna, Aetna, etc. Get the picture? Now if your job involves calling on the phone, do you get the packaged answer. "Please listen to this entire message as our options have recently changed." Now I am wondering, how often do this options change. And did they change at every business world-wide? Do they honestly think that people really want to listen to some monotone voice go over everything from A to Z when C is all you want??? How long does it take to get a "real" person? Let me tell you, some of these places make you go through as many as ten options just to get the elevator music and sit on hold for another half hour because "All Our Agents are busy ..." What happened to all the unemployed people? How about putting them to work at minimum wage answering and fielding questions so the rest of us don't have to waste our "better paid" time sitting there like a dummy waiting for someone only to find out that this was the wrong option, then they transfer you and you start all over again.
I'm sure I'm not the only person who hates this. And then you come home to call in about your phone or gas bill (God forbid Comcast), and you go through the same thing on your personal time which is always worth more than your work time.
Of course without hold time, I wouldn't know that if I stepped down and moved the ladder a few inches instead of leaning, I wouldn't fall. Or how about the spiel on alcohol abuse and what numbers to call. I already know I need eight glasses of water a day and I need to get my annual mammorgram. Do these places honestly think hospital employees call there for nonsense information? Oh yeah, I love the ones that play the church organ music (Gateway) and I already know my call is very important to someone. . . so important that I have been on hold forever.
Well, this is my job and I like that paycheck so I guess I'll keep putting up with this. But I don't have to like it!!!

A Gift to End all Gifts

On my way to and from work each day I pass a huge cemetary. I've never seen much action around there but according to the dates, it has been there forever. Recently I noticed that they have been putting out signs with specials and sales. How tacky is that?

Tonight's sign said "Memorial Day Special ... Stop in and See Us". Is that just for the veterans or what? A couple weeks ago one sign said "Mother's Day Special". Now, I don't know about the rest of you mom's, but a grave plot sure isn't what I would be expecting (or want) for my Mother's Day gift. It sure would make you wonder what your kids were planning in the near future.
I am wondering what this place does for Christmas? Or maybe this would be a good wedding gift for the month of June. After all, it is one you can always use ... eventually. Note to anyone wanting to buy me one>>not interested. First off, I don't want to be put into the cold ground to begin with and secondly, this is just not my idea of what Santa Claus had in mind!!!!
Have a good weekend, folks!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Raised by the Village

I grew up in a small town in NEPA called Lightstreet. It is only famous for being a stop along the Interstate but of course that wasn't in existence when I lived there as a child. My childhood was happy, safe, and lacked excitement. That didn't keep us kids from riding bikes all day, playing tag and hide-n-seek at night and every other thing in-between. We rode our bikes to the nearest creek bed and I'll bet there wasn't a mother in town that didn't have bunches of pretty violets on their table after that trip.

I didn't realize until I was at least fifty years of age how lucky I was. Now I know what it means to be "raised by the village". All of the mothers (and others) were looking out for us. Of course we didn't have to worry back then about being snatched up by some vagrant but I'm sure we could have found our share of trouble. If you were hungry or thirsty, a friend's house was always close by. The winters were spent sledding down the local hills. Heck, the local farmers didn't care ... we didn't know what trespass meant anyhow, and certainly didn't know we were doing it. The whole village belonged to us. When we became teenagers, my friend Sally and I spent every Saturday night at the old Grange Hall square dancing. Heck, we both met our future husbands there.

I moved away for a short time after I got marred but in a couple years I was back in town where I grew up. My biggest regret is moving my own two children away. As much as I thought that the people were nosey busybodies ... I know know it was the best place ever. We had two local grocery stores where you knew exactly where everything was on every shelf. My kids just reminded me at Easter about the loose jellybeans we bought by the pound. Also, the Pepsi machine at Davis' Market was the greatest place for a cool drink. Many a sodas came from there. I only wish Chris and Kelly could have had the experience of living there throughout their entire childhood. Chris even told me once he never forgave me for moving them away.

Well, I am sorry. I can't change things and from what I hear, the old town has grown into convenience marts, stop lights and more important things. The old two church buildings in town are no longer houses of worship, being replaced by new, bigger, modern buildings. We always had the "white" church (clapboard Lutheran) and the "red" (brick Methodist) church. You went to one or the other. What a shame. I still have a cross made out of the stained glass windows of the "red" church. Memories are all I have.

I thank my parents for letting me be "raised by the village".

Monday, May 11, 2009

On Being a Mother

I've been pretty sick today so this will be short; but this blog is dedicated to my children. Yesterday being Mother's Day, I had to work and was disappointed because I HATE working weekends, especially holidays. However, my kids always come through and I ended up having a wonderful Mother's Day.
My son and son-in-law came to visit and brought me a beautiful plant and took me out to dinner. My daughter is in Boston and sent flowers and called me last night and talked a long time. I was so thankful for all of it.
Sometimes we think being a Mother is hard, and there are days when you wonder if you did it right. Apparently I did ... if you are contemplating motherhood, don't miss it for the world. It is the best job you could ever pick.
Thanks so much, Chris, Kelly Jo and Tom......(Chai and Janie, too)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Most of us complain when someone ahead of us uses the last sheet of TP in a public restroom. A lot of times there isn't anything we can do about this except complain to the management about keeping extra rolls on hand. By the time we do this the pee is dripping down our legs so it really doesn't matter. But what about when you come upon an empty roll at home? Does it drive you to the moon? Now I live alone so I don't have all those woes and can only blame myself if I forget. That way I don't have the empty milk carton, the empty cereal box, etc. etc.

HOWEVER, I have to say something about those same people out in the working world, among other places. What about if youare in the staff restroom and use the last TP or towels? Can't you either replace them, call a janitor to replace them, or at least warn the next person in???

How about this one? We have a water fountain that has a big bottle on top. Because my hospital won't pay for water, I pay for this myself. I belong to a nice bunch of girls and we have a sunshine fund, so it is covered. Today, like a lot of days, the damn thing was empty. I notice on the days it is empty, the "regulars" don't come in as often. That is because they know darn well it is empty and they don't want to fill it. Now, these bottles are heavy but you only have to lift it a few feet and if I can do it, anyone can. If you can't, don't walk away...ask the first gentleman coming down the hall to help. I've never been refused.

Here is another one. The copier is either jammed or out of paper. What do you do? Well, you could just walk away and pretend you never saw the warning. That is what most people at my office do. I even put up a sign asking to be notified if there is a problem. Either people can't read or are just plain stupid. I have to train myself to "if the copier isn't making noise, something is wrong". What a waste.
This can apply is so many is just plain rude and there is NO other explanation for it. I hope I trained my kids better than this. If I didn't, I know they read this Blog so it is time to learn. Consider the people behind you...don't be like the people I work with.


Hey you .... want a free MAC book? Just click on this "icon" and fill out our "easy" questionnaire and you will get a brand new lap top -- absolutely free. Did you ever see the teeny-tiny print below that says you have to complete about 100 offers in order to get this "free" lap top.

Then you get to the page. Well, it asks a few survey questions, but not before it directs you to almost a million pages of other "free" offers. Of course if you don't read the fine print, you will be signing your life away for everything from changing your phone service to giving them your first born. (which, by the way, I've considered from time to time).

We get free things where I work. We get everything from pens to umbrellas to cookies. Of course the vendors want us to use their services; hence the free stuff. This precipitated our supervisors into saying "NO" you can't accept because a few vendors complained we were taking the stuff and then not calling them. Heck, I thought it was free. (Now, Matt ... I don't mean you.)
Water used to be free. You got a glass anywhere you asked. Now you have to pay upwards of one dollar and get it in a bottle. Of course if you want "designer" water to keep up with the Jones', you will pay more. Even the air we breathe isn't free anymore. It is so full of pollutants and pollen that we are broke buying antihistamines and inhalers.
Does anyone know what really is "free"???

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dogs, Leashes, and My Opinion

Should a dog be leashed? This is a big topic in Baltimore right now ... or rather, I guess the big topic is the new $1,000 leash fine. I hesitate to voice my opinion because most of the time I have a strong opinion and I don't want to offend anyone.

I love dogs. I really love my grand-dog Chai, and because I love them ... yes, they belong on a leash. Now, do not misunderstand me. I don't mean all the time. I don't think dogs should be tied outside; although I know I was guilty of that in my past life. (We all make mistakes.) I do think dogs ... especially big dogs like Chai, need to be left loose to play and to exercise. I think there should definitely be dog parks, and I think that in contained areas, there is NO reason why a dog cannot be off of it's leash, as long as no harm will come to the dog, or anyone within range of the dog.
Now, there are exceptions to every rule. Once when Chai's Daddy was young, he took our little poodle on a bike ride/walk. A bigger dog (untrained, obviously) was in his own fenced yard and jumped the fence and attacked our little poodle. If it weren't for a kind neighbor, who knows what could have happened. For a good long time, Christopher was afraid of big dogs. They had to earn back his trust. Also, I have a veterinarian friend who told me that many times when someone brings in a mangled dog hit by a car or caught in something, they always tell him that they just left them off the leash this "one" time. One time was all it took.
As dedicated pet owners, we are responsible for the safety of our animals. I have cats. I do not let them outside because of the dangers posed there. If we take on ownership responsibility, then it is our duty to make them as safe as possible. Dogs are animals. No matter how much training and love they have, they are still animals. Animals have instincts and it only takes one stray cat, one squirrel, or one heartbeat for them to run out into the road and get hit.
As far as the leash law, yes there has to be laws to protect everyone and every living thing. I don't think there needs to be such costly fines; but on the other hand, a alternative should be available. Baltimore people shouldn't be fined if there are not adequate dog parks available for them. Once there is a dog park within walking distance of everyone, then they could impose a fine (but certainly not such a steep one). For someone to say people with big dogs should reconsider city living is just plain stupid. How about people with kids and no play yards consider only the country. Anyone has the option to live anywhere and adapt to the place they have chosen. It is certainly a free country. Laws aren't made for people with just "little" dogs. Besides, those little ankle-bitting yappers are the worst anyway. People think because they can pick them up or put them in pocketbooks, they are exempt from most rules. WRONG.
I guess my opinion is this ... on city streets, leash your animal for their protection. They may not like it, but who says we get to do what we like all the time. Even animals have rules. Take the time to take your pet to a safe area where he or she can run and play (and swim). Rally for the cities to build responsible dog parks where owners can feel safe. When you are in a dog park, obey the rules; clean up after your pet and respect others.
I hope I didn't offend anyone. It is after all, only my opinion and lately I've found that probably isn't worth ten cents anyway.
Love you, Chai!!!!! Sloppy kisses from Gammie.

An Opposition to the Beautiful Spring Lawns

Couple days ago I wrote a Blog about the beautiful flowers and trees that I have been experiencing on my way to work in the morning. God has been out with his paintbrush and the flowers and bushes are just beautiful. People have been mowing and trimming and making everything look so nice.

In the morning on my way to work, everything is fresh, covered with dew and just starting to open up for the day. A few days later I realized something else. I suppose I am more alert to things on the drive home ... more aware and more awake. I finally realized some of these lawns are so littered in political signs that it is disgraceful. Who (except the people running for office) sincerely want to look at those things?
Now, I would imagine the people tacking these damn signs up have to have permission from people to put them in their yards. They are also littering along highways and by-way's where no one lives but the little creatures that do not appreciate them either.
I have decided that since I like to exercise my right as an American and vote; I am also going to exercise my right and start counting the signs. The one who has the most signs ... loses my vote!!!!

Do You Believe in "Fate" and Views from the "Sleeping Prophet"

Folks -- I wrote a Blog on Fate a couple days ago and as fate would have it, somehow it got lost. I've looked everywhere and just like my inability to understand electronic things like computers, I guess somehow I deleted the damn thing.

Anyway, a couple days have gone by and I have had time to rehash Fate in my simple little brain. Do you believe in "Fate"? I certainly do.
Years ago someone gave me a book called "There Is A River" by the "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce. I read this book with zest and it sort of changed the way I thought about life. Now I am not into fortune tellers, palm readers, and all the mumbo-jumbo; but I certainly do believe in Que Sera Sera as more than just a song. Especially as I get older, I see more and more things that happen. Because of this, I believe everything is predetermined -- like Edgar Cayce. Not because some snake-oil salesman in a tent says so; but because I've seen it over and over in my life. Many times you don't get to do things you want; but as time goes by you see the sense in why it did or did not happen. When you get into the Autumn of your life, you are able to see that things you wanted in the Spring or Summer (or even early Autumn) were not the things that were good for you. Sometimes it takes a lot of hurt and pain to realize these things.
Now I am not a believer in organized religion but I certainly do believe in God. I believe in the power of prayer and I think simple miracles happen every day. We don't always get the answer we want; but we always get the one that is best for us ... we just can't always realize it. I also believe after many hard times that God never gives you more than you can handle and that some people are stronger than others. Surely the ones who fail have to be non-believers. But don't get upset ... that is just my opinion and at 61 I am entitled to it.
I attended a Celebration of Life last evening for a great friend. She was cut down in the early autumn of her life (same age as me) from the horrors of pancreatic cancer. She wasn't ready to die. She has very young grandchildren who are going to miss growing up with a wonderful grandma. But this illness has proved that no matter how hard you fight, when your time is up, you go...young or old. However, last evening it was revealed to me the beautiful things that have come out of her passing. Jackie was a party girl and what could be more appropriate than us celebrating her life on Cinco De Mayo. She would have loved it. (and yes, she did plan the entire thing from the throngs of her death bed) THANK YOU, JACKIE.
The next time things don't go your way...remember fate. Read the book "The Seven People You Meet in Heaven" . Check out Edgar Cayce. Think back on your life and see how God works every day for you. And I am not being morbid. I am very thankful for everything I have and every day I draw breath.
"This is my story, and I'm sticking to it."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Views from the Electronically Challenged

I am an electronic "drop out". Being from "Missouri.....the show me state", I cannot learn anything from a manual, guidebook, cheat sheet, you name it. Take for example, my digital camera. My computer was all hooked up to accept pictures. As soon as I plugged in the camera or the memory stick, a little whiz (I'm convinced a little man inside my computer), made a noise and bingo ... the application came on the transfer pictures. It isn't there anymore??? I got to thinking that maybe I needed to put the camera's disc in and add the application. Well, when I did that it started asking me all sorts of questions, so I popped it out in fear of really screwing things up.

Then I popped the memory stick into the front of the damn computer...nothing happened. I gave up.

I started to think about how a couple weeks ago I didn't even know how to "IM" someone until a friend walked me through it on Facebook. And guess what, I just found out that if you get your shift lock stuck on all caps ... you are shouting!!! How come these things just slipped by me???
I thought I was pretty smart.
Now here is the latest. My new cell phone ... the one I had to have because I couldn't figure out how to text without a full keyboard...all by itself called 411 three times this month. I never use 411 but I am guessing since it is at the very top of my contact list, I probably hit the wrong button three times, racking up a rather embarrassing bill.
I have to use a computer at work. There are things I do without thinking because it is part of my job. I love my computer at home because living alone is very lonely and it keeps me connected with those that I love and miss. I like my camera because I love the concept of having the pictures at your fingertips immediately. I guess I love my cell phone but I would love it more if it worked in my apartment. I'm sure I love my TiVo, even though I can't always figure it out, either. And God forbid my WiFi ever quits. I barely know how to stick a DVD into the player and watch a movie. I've never figured out how to fast forward, go back, etc. And I always have to watch the previews because I don't know how "not to".
Heck, I'm sixty-one ... I guess I wasn't a part of the electronic age growing up and some things just can't seep into this brain. My kids get sick of telling me how but I never get tired of asking for directions.
Gosh, maybe someday I'll get that Blue Tooth thingie that I just had to have out of the box and try that out.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Handbags, Purses, Pocketbooks and No Money to Put in Them

I LOVE PURSES. I can't get enough of them. I think it is a serious addiction that I just cannot get over. I am attracted to every kind, every color, every brand, and own more than I could ever use. Does that stop me from buying more? No, of course not.

I even scope out purses at yard sales ... my most recent one being a Coach for ten bucks. My son says it is a "fake", but I've never been opposed to knock-off's, so I'll use it.

Do you know that purses can be purchased for hundreds and even thousands of dollars? I think the most I've ever spent on one single purse is probably around $59. But don't think I haven't been tempted to spend the grocery money on more?

Of course the other part of my blog title ... no money to put in them. Isn't that the truth? I own all these purses and basically they are worthless to anyone but me. However, most weeks I'm lucky if I have ten bucks to my name to put in one.

I need help. Is there a PAA (Purse-hog's Anonymous Assoc) for people like me? Oh, never mind, I am enjoying myself too much -- and so what if I spend the grocery money? It will just help with my other addition -- food and eating it.


Should you hit a lady?

I like Chris Brown. I have from the beginning. I like his style. I am not a fan of any type of Rapp, but when Chris Brown seriously sings, I like him. I love his hit with Jordan Sparks, "No Air". I do not like Rihanna's music. I really don't think she has a great voice.

Now that I've claimed my opinion, I want to say something about the latest "fight" and Chris Brown's arrest. Why is it always the man? What provoked him to hit her? I don't think anyone, man or woman, deserve to be hit, but I surely think a lot of these young girls ask for it. Sometimes it is the only way to shut them up. Maybe they should think about that when mouthing off.

Chris Brown grew up in a home where from the age of 7 to 13 he witnessed domestic violence between his mother and father. Has anyone considered that maybe the guy needs help -- maybe some counseling -- maybe he's a victim, too.

Rihanna grew up in a fairly affluent home in Barbados. Once she was "discovered", she and her mother travelled back and forth between her home and the United States to pursue her career. As soon as she turned 16, she left Barbados to come to the USA and live with her producer and his wife. She also trained as an Army Cadet in the military in Barbados. Makes you wonder about the hitting incident, doesn't it. Is "poor little Rihanna" the only victim?

I'm sure this thing goes on every day in the towns and cities of America. I'm sure boys hit girls, girls hit boys, men hit women, etc. It isn't right and I am not condoning violence. I'm just saying that it isn't an issue for public display and I think this whole mess was blown way out of proportion just to advance Rihanna's career -- which hasn't come close to Chris Brown's fame.

Oh yeah, right after this "look at me, I got hit" incident, Rihanna and Chris spent a week "making up" at a Florida mansion owned by one famous rock star/actor. He refused to speak about it on the "Ellen" show. Probably because the fight wasn't that big of a deal to begin with.

Come on people, don't get so hung up in this crap. They are just people ... like anyone else standing out on the street corner fighting.

LAPD, give the damn jewels back and drop this stupid incident. Rihanna already got what she wanted.
Afterall, anyone named Christopher should be OK. Right???