My daughter posted a news story on her FB page regarding a black Harvard professor who was arrested outside his home for disorderly conduct when he refused to cooperate with the police at his door. Without going into particulars, I made a couple comments about his not being above the law, and one response said it wasn't racism, but perhaps classism. This got me to thinking. I love a good argument and know that if you stand up for what you believe in; you have to be prepared to respect the other side of the proposed subject. However, I did a little internet research on this subject and I also "picked my own brain" and here is my opinion. (my opinon only; but I would LOVE to hear your's, too.
Here is one quote from the Internet: "Classism exist before racism was prominent. It is the main reason why the Pilgrims left Europe." Now we are taught that the basis for the Pilgrims was religious freedom. BUT, isn't religion a form of classism??
Here is another longer quote that I liked. " I think the powers that be are happy as long as the masses of ALL colors are kept in a perpetual state of financial insecurity and competition with one another."
I don't honest think I have ever felt a "subject" of racism. However, I have felt a subject of classism many times. I work in a hospital where doctors, and yes, some nurses, have the "God syndrome. If you don't have letters after your name; well you just don't fit in. I -- for one -- am doing a job that has no back-up because the only people in my department that are trained to do what I do are registered nurses. Formerly, this job was done by registered nurses, and in many states, the law requires a registered nurse to give clinical review to an insurance company. The difference: I do it for about half of the pay. Is that classism? Is that fair? But what can I do about it. When I asked this question I was told that my employer embraced "degrees". Is that classism?
Another example: Early in my hospital career we had a janitor that ate his lunch in a little back room with no fan or air conditioning. In the hot summer he asked me if he could eat his lunch in our conference/lunch room. He ate earlier that our group so I said yes. One of the nurses came back early one day and wanted to know "what that man was doing in our room"? I thought, well, gee, he's a human being and it's hot in his room. But it didn't digest with her. She, as a nurse, was not going to eat with a janitor. It made me wonder what she thought of me, the "secretary". This young woman died an early and tragic death and I often wondered if she was every happy a day in her life. See ... God doesn't like ugly.
Some classism is meant to be funny. You could call someone a "redneck" if you were Jeff Foxworthy and people would call is humor. (Hey, I personally like NASCAR; my father was a race car driver so it is in my blood.) If your a rapper you can use the work "nigger" without too much flack. "White trash" is as common as the world "colored". My sister still uses that word and doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. Racism brought about by classism.
Have you ever experienced any of this? Come on people, I want to hear it. Now, don't address prejudice here in the form of gender, sexuality, etc. That is a whole other subject that we will approach later. But what do you have to say? I'd like to know.
Remember: the opinons expressed here are the sole thoughts of the writer. This is my blog so I can say what I damn please!!!!! LOL