I belong to a book club. Actually, for the moment, I somehow got rooked into actually planning the darn thing. It is actually a team effort (which it should be); but I take care of the "paperwork" so to speak.
Well, this past month no one had any good ideas for a "read" so somehow we ended up with "The Time Traveler's Wife" ... I think because the local Harrisburg Book Club was also reading it.
Well, let me tell you. I was so stupid I did not even realize this book was coming out in one week as a movie. However, after reading a few pages, the movie was looking better and better for a "report back". I just could not get into this book. It jumped around and drove me crazy. But (and only because I want to set an example) I stuck with it. About 55-60 pages into the book, I started to like it and now that I am about half-way, I am enjoying the read.
I am really puzzled as to how this book was made into a movie and as soon at it hits Netflix, I will be ordering it. In the meantime, I'll have to wonder.
Someone told me tonight they thought it was "filthy" the way he appears to her as a young six year old girl, and he is a grown man, totally naked. Because they do eventually end up loving each other and getting married, I guess the author thought that was OK. But is it really? Don't you think this experience probably tainted her for anything else in her life that might have come along?
I don't know and I am not really recommending this book. I just want to tell you this is a different one and if you've seen the movie, let me know.
I haven't blogged for a long time. It's not that I don't have anything to say; it is just that I don't think anyone wants to hear it. Anyway, I'm going to try harder and I promise they won't all be book reports!!!!