Yesterday I touched on how exercise is one of the best remedies for depression. Today we will talk about how I can go about getting that exercise. Since the dog thing isn't going to work out, I suppose I'll have to try alternatives.
The cheapest and easiest way to exercise is to walk. Of course in the winter in Harrisburg, especially this winter, the obstacle becomes snow, ice, unshoveled walks, broken cement, etc. With two knee replacements, the last place I want to fall is on the cement so this avenue isn't really my first choice. Of course, one could walk inside. I live in a three-story building where there are lots of steps but I think my neighbors would think I was nutty if I just all of a sudden starting walking the halls. I would get tagged "that nosey old lady in 204". It's hard enough living here without that title.
Another thought someone mentioned was the work out DVD's. Come on ... my apartment is right next to the entrance door and my TV is in that room. Do you really think I am going to flaunt this flab for everyone to see? Besides, I would have to rearrange my furniture. Now, I love the Cybrex trainer ... I would gladly rearrange some furniture for one of those.
The next and most practical would be to join a gym. I used to belong to one but I quit because I just couldn't find the "umph" to drive there. Hated going directly after work and once I got home it was pointless ... I wasn't going to leave to go "that far". I don't live driving alone after dark. I did like it at PF, and it was cheap to belong there; but they didn't offer any classes or programs (why it was cheap) and I wasn't structured enough on my own.
I did find a gym very close to my house with all kinds of programs. They even have a class on Tai Chi for Arthritis, which my daughter has been telling me to go to for a long time. They have a pool with water aerobics and all kinds of machines and programs for all ages. What is stopping me? The cost. It would be above my limit and it makes me mad but my friend just told me ... "that is to keep the riff-raff out". He's probably right.
Well, I could go on and on with excuses but I've got to have a program in place by my next appointment with my nutritionist. It is my last step for my surgery. What am I going to do???
I keep thinking that if all this is involved in getting old, maybe the alternative isn't so bad after all. LOL
Welcome back! I say join the gym. If you have to do this for your process, this will probaby be the way to go. But I know what you mean about the working out. I work out year round, but not as much as durning the warm months. In the spring and summer months we go up to the lake near our house where we run and walk the 5 miles around the lake. I always feel better when we can do this. By simmers end we can run the whole thing. I wish you luck Burnside! Another plus with the gym is all the expertise their to help guide you on what you should be doing with excerises.
ReplyDeleteMaddie: You are so right. I need to get back soon. Just haven't had that final push yet. It will come soon. Take care!! BURNSIDE