Well, folks, this weekend was beautiful. I am wondering whether or not it is a teaser or if Spring is really on it's way? Now, I am not much of an outside person ... never really have been, but I enjoy seeing the sunshine and warmth just as much as anyone else. When the sun shines, you actually feel more like doing things inside too.
Today I was driving home from the grocery store and I actually saw a man with his convertible top down. Now I thought that was pushing it a little bit but I suppose if one had a convertible, the sunshine would make you want to use it. I have to admit that I had my car window down half-way and was enjoying the fresh air.
The picture at the top of this blog is a beach in Cape Cod. Maybe it won't be too long before we can walk on the beach. God knows, this winter has been a bitch. Snow, snow, snow. We also had the cold winds, drifting, ice and all the amenities that winter can bring. I think anyone you speak with would be crazy if they didn't say they were ready for Spring.
Oh, and don't forget next Saturday we start Daylight Savings Time, too. Won't it be nice to come home and still have some daylight. I think we may all feel a little better.
Till next time, enjoy the sunshine.
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