Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Two Front Teef!!

I've never had nice teeth. I not only inherited "BAD TEETH GENES" but I did not grow up in the age of fluoride, braces, and all the things that people take for granted today. Now, my parents always took me to the dentist. I can tell you nightmare stories about Dr. Levan, the long dark stairway that led to his office, the sound of that old grinding drill, and I can still smell that dentist smell. I remember fillings made out of mercury and remember the little dabs of mercury that used to run around on the side table as the filling was being mixed. Wow, am I that old.

Anyway, like I said, I've never had nice teeth. I didn't think it bothered me that much but lately I got introduced to crowns and found out that with a little money I could maybe have at least decent teeth. I decided 2010 was the year. I planned by upgrading my dental plan; putting extra money in my Flex Account; and guess what?? Today I got new front teeth (3 of them).

Now these are not the most beautiful teeth in the world but to me they make all the difference. I feel like someone new. My only wish is that I could afford to have more done ... maybe next year.

If you are considering porcelain crowns, just remember one thing ... they are pretty but you cannot ever bite your fingernails again. What a challenge that is going to be!!

I'm happy, though.

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